Mission | Vision | Values


“It is our belief that meeting the nutritional needs of generations to come will require a thoughtful and innovative approach.”

We optimize feed ingredients in order to avoid a rapid depletion of our natural resources, to meet the rising demand for animal proteins. Our focus is on reliable, innovative and moneysaving solutions, with passion for people and attention to profit.


“Our mission is to develop and produce micro ingredients for the feed industry helping our customers to raise their animals in a cost-effective and sustainable way while respecting animal health.”

We thereby contribute to a limited use of natural resources and their optimization, leading to more productivity and added value. Our approach is based on experience, operational excellence, customer intimacy, compliance and family values such as respect and lifelong devotion to agribusiness.



  • 03/10/2015

    I am a pig farmer in Queensland and I use Elitox® routinely in sow and weaning diets to help manage the challenges that mycotoxins can cause.

    It is also used on an “as needs” basis in further rations if raw materials are deemed to present a higher risk. Use in sows is to optimize both fertility of sows and liveability of young pigs. We have been previously contended with lesions and discoloration of ears, feet and tails in weaning pigs. We attributed this to mycotoxins. 

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