Impextraco® offers solutions for your swine issues. If you want a complete solution for your animals, don't hesitate to contact us.

How do we help with your swine?
Impextraco® ‘s swine product portfolio is addressing the needs and challenges of the industry. For each kind of swine sub-species, such as sows, piglets and growing/finishing pigs, we developed economical products to optimize performance against the lowest cost in production of the animals.
We bring solutions to optimize the feed efficiency, gut health, mitigating the impact of mycotoxins and optimizing the systemic functioning of the animals. The last effect will also result in a beneficial effect on the quality of the end-product. As all the solutions of Impextraco improve performance and/or feed utilization, the solutions play an important role in the production of sustainable poultry products.
The R&D and innovation team work continuously to further optimize the products, which is possible through a good understanding of the mode of action of the solutions. The R&D project will always focus on the challenges of the customers and are often designed in close collaboration with our partners in the industry.
Impextraco®’s technical specialists can assist you in selecting the most optimal choice in solution per sub-species, age period as well as type of farm. This is important as each situation requires a different solution to optimize cost of production.