Natural cell protection
Powerful natural antioxidant

In modern animal industry many challenges are present. This translates into increased oxidation within animal cells, when too excessive, that can result in a metabolic state of "oxidative stress". Increased oxidation in the animal will result in decreased cell function which consequently will negatively affect main production parameters (i.e. impairing the live weight gain, feed conversion, carcass yield, meat or egg quality, farrowing- or egg performance, etc.). ELIFE®’s concentrated and synergistic antioxidant blend of natural polyphenols reduces this ubiquitous issue of increased oxidation and prevents the animal of oxidative stress in current high-performance production systems. This preserved integrity and functioning of body cells, is guaranteed by its broad-spectrum trapping of harmful free radicals, recycling of in vivo antioxidants (e.g. vitamin E) and active stimulation of the animal's own antioxidant defense system. Because of these effects, ELIFE® can be used in two applications; 1. to partly replace vitamin E in the feed to reduce feed t, 2. to improve performance in animals when given at higher dose levels.
Main benefits
- Optimized animal performance (oxidative stress relief)
- Improved slaughter yield results and meat quality economics
- Cost savings by safe partial replacement of dietary vitamin E
Product range
Dry blend of well-selected natural extracts with high and synergistic polyphenol content, that render the product a potent in vivo antioxidant.

Broiler chickens generally face high levels of oxidative stress (excess free radicals) during the last weeks of fattening. This metabolic challenge affects the free radical (oxidative) status across their entire body (i.e. blood cells, organs and other tissues) right up to slaughter. Obviously, this can have a substantial impact on the antioxidant system of the bird, its body growth, the carcass parameters, as well as the quality of the meat during storage. By strongly altering the broiler’s in vivo oxidative status and antioxidant capacity, ELIFE® supplemented during this stressful pre-slaughter period shows to improve zootechnical performance, weight yield of carcass and different meat parts (valuable retail cuts), as well as meat drip loss or shelf life.
Dry blend of well-selected natural extracts with high and synergistic polyphenol content, that render the product a potent in vivo antioxidant.

Fattening pigs typically face peak levels of oxidative stress throughout the last finisher phase, limiting their full growth potential and leading to slaughter losses indirectly. Obviously, a high oxidative status during this final period also affects the quality of the meat during storage. Supplementing ELIFE® to the finisher diet of fattening pigs has consistently shown to improve zootechnical results and profitability at the farm level, as well as carcass- and meat quality revenues at the slaughterhouse and meat processing facility.
During the so-called post-weaning dip, weaned piglets also experience a high degree of oxidative stress (excess free radicals) after being separated from the mother sow. The allocation into a new social environment further worsens their body’s oxidative status and impacts their overall well-being. Moreover, the switch from liquid to solid feed creates a nutritional stress on top (intestinal disturbances), which stimulates additional free radical formation. This oxidative stress around weaning implies high economic losses to both farmers and integration systems on a daily basis. Impextraco®’s natural in vivo antioxidant ELIFE® provides the right solution!
Dry blend of well-selected natural extracts with high and synergistic polyphenol content, that render the product a potent in vivo antioxidant.