Van Hamme, V.1; Machado Júnior, P.C.2; Dhaouadi, S.1, Caron, L.F.3

1Impextraco nv, Wiekevorstsesteenweg 38, Heist-Op-Den-Berg, Belgium; 
2Impextraco Latin America, Rua Eng. Sady Souza, 650, PR 81290-020 Curitiba, Brazil; 
3Department of Basic Pathology, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Centro Politécnico, 
P.O. Box 19031, PR 81531-990 Curitiba, Brazil


T-2 toxin is regarded as an acutely toxic mycotoxin, known to affect tissues with a high cell division rate, inducing cell apoptosis, and causing severe oral lesions, immunological dysfunctions and impairments in both liver function and intestinal integrity. The aim of the trial was to evaluate the impact of a mycotoxin eliminator (Elitox®) on immunological, liver and intestinal impairments caused by an early T-2 toxicosis.

Materials and Methods

A trial was carried out during 28 days at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, with 96 one-day-old male Cobb® broilers housed in three 2m² isolators with negative pressure ventilation system and divided into 3 treatments...

If you want to read the entire article, please contact our Elitox expert Dr. Ir. Astrid Koppenol.

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    Koppenol, A.1; Machado Júnior, P.C.2,3, Dhaouadi, S.1, Caron, L.F.3,4

    1Impextraco nv, Wiekevorstsesteenweg 38, Heist-op-den-berg, Belgium;
    2Impextraco Latin America, Rua Eng. Sady Souza 650, Curitiba, Brazil;
    3Department of Basic Pathology, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil;
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    1Impextraco nv, Wiekevorstsesteenweg 38, Heist-op-den-berg, Belgium;
    2Impextraco Latin America, Rua Eng. Sady Souza, 650, PR 81290-020 Curitiba, Brazil; 
    3Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), PR 81290-020 Curitiba, Brazil

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