
  • 06/09/2015

    Santa Casa celebrated the date with an opening of its historic sector restored

    On the day of commemoration of 135 years of the Santa Casa, celebrated on May 22nd, a solemnity reopened the historic part of the building. Considered a Preservation Interest Unit by the Curitiba City Hall, the hospital was the first in the capital, ...

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  • 05/13/2015

    My visit to PUC was on my agenda in Brazil following an invitation from IMPEXTRACO®.  Marcel Joineau and Pedro Machado, both scientists in the company, were with me. We received a warm welcome at PUC, set in a wonderful and charming environment. We met Mrs. Kelly Mazutti and Mr. Leandro Costa, both being professors at the University.

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  • 05/03/2015

    The ESPHM IS an annual conference, and the objectives of this symposium are to promote communication and dissemination of knowledge on pig health management.

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  • 03/24/2015

    It was a great show, with a lot of new and familiar faces.

    If you attended VIV Asia, we hope that you enjoyed the trade show as well as we did. We did not only strengthen our bonds with existing clients, but we also got to know a lot of new faces, while discussing new opportunities. A lot of you will hear back from us in the nearby future.

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  • 10/23/2014

    Modern animal production has undergone dramatic changes over the last 50-60 years: genetic selection for high growth rates, as well as improved management and nutrition strategies, have led to increased performance standards. As the intestine is the most important organ to convert feed into meat, it is no secret that the expression “gut health” has entered the collective consciousness and has become the standard of animal industries and research.

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  • 03/10/2015

    “Sou produtor de leite nas Américas e tenho em torno de 2000 vacas. A minha empresa de rações decidiu comprar milho de um novo fornecedor, mas a carga de micotoxinas era enorme”. 

    “As minhas vacas já recebiam 6 g/cabeça/dia de Elitox® naquela época, mas começaram a demonstrar sintomas de intoxicação por T-2. O rebanho apresentou diarreia com sangue e várias vacas morreram depois de terem sido retiradas da produção”.

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