Corporate Social Responsibility

"We are proud we can foster children to give them a better future."

At Impextraco we highly value the commitment and dedication of the communities around the world in which we operate. This is why we feel that we should make our own contribution to their well-being, both economically and ecologically.

We chose to sustain the Marista Marcelino Champagnat Ecological School in Brazil through the Belgian King Baudouin Foundation. The ecological project’s aim is to foster sustainability through teaching and community action.

Children from underprivileged backgrounds are given the opportunity to attend this school, where they follow an educational programme offering them the chance of a better life. We contribute to this important initiative by paying their tuition fees and by following up on the children’s school results.

The school we selected is close to our Impextraco office in Curitiba, in the Brazilian state of Paraná, where also our research facilities are located.

Entrance of the Marista school in Brazil.
Ready for the future


  • 11/04/2019

    A Impextraco recebeu, em 25 de Outubro, a visita do novo Cônsul Geral da Bélgica em São Paulo, Sua Excelência Sr. Matthieu Branders, acompanhado do Cônsul Honorário da Bélgica no Paraná, Sua Excelência Dr. João Casillo.

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  • 03/10/2015

    “Sou produtor de leite nas Américas e tenho em torno de 2000 vacas. A minha empresa de rações decidiu comprar milho de um novo fornecedor, mas a carga de micotoxinas era enorme”. 

    “As minhas vacas já recebiam 6 g/cabeça/dia de Elitox® naquela época, mas começaram a demonstrar sintomas de intoxicação por T-2. O rebanho apresentou diarreia com sangue e várias vacas morreram depois de terem sido retiradas da produção”.

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