Ready for the future

“It is our belief that meeting the nutritional needs of generations to come will require a thoughtful and innovative approach.” 

As we know, world population is steeply growing. By 2050 we will be more than 9 billion. As average incomes rise, consumption of animal proteins in the form of meat, fish and eggs will rise accordingly.

Proteins are truly essential nutrients for common health. They come at a price, especially since depletion of our natural resources forms an imminent danger. This has become a global issue and also one of our main concerns. Optimizing the feed will help limiting the use of natural resources in raising livestock. As an expert in optimizing feed ingredients, Impextraco develops products that maximize productivity and quality.

Ready for the future

Together with premixers, feedmills and farmers (our partners and customers) we play a key role in producing high quality safe additives and ingredients for all livestock farmer producing eggs meat and milk.

Impextraco believe it is important that people worldwide share the benefit of our products. Sustainability remains central throughout our approach, from the development and production of our feed additives and ingredients to their distribution and actual use on site.

We are committed to develop & produce products that will help meet tomorrow’s nutritional needs.


As Impextraco is a member of the IFIF, we agree with the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), who are outlining their efforts on their Capacity Development for Feed Safety multi-stakeholder partnership programme in this interesting video. They're featuring IFIF as a key partner in their efforts. Our Power-Protexion products focuses on feed safety as an important part of feed performance leading to the protection of the animal’s health and that's how Impextraco also contributes to the Feed for Food Safety Program.

Feed Safety Multi-stakeholder Partnership


  • 11/04/2019

    A Impextraco recebeu, em 25 de Outubro, a visita do novo Cônsul Geral da Bélgica em São Paulo, Sua Excelência Sr. Matthieu Branders, acompanhado do Cônsul Honorário da Bélgica no Paraná, Sua Excelência Dr. João Casillo.

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  • 03/10/2015

    “Sou produtor de leite nas Américas e tenho em torno de 2000 vacas. A minha empresa de rações decidiu comprar milho de um novo fornecedor, mas a carga de micotoxinas era enorme”. 

    “As minhas vacas já recebiam 6 g/cabeça/dia de Elitox® naquela época, mas começaram a demonstrar sintomas de intoxicação por T-2. O rebanho apresentou diarreia com sangue e várias vacas morreram depois de terem sido retiradas da produção”.

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